Gotta love Oregon. In one quick brushstroke of two days, Oregon showed us a summary of its awesomeness.

Portland welcomed us with two vaginas in the first ten minutes of our visit — out in the open, LOUD and clear. A street musician was wearing see-through pantyhose and nothing else by Voodoo doughnuts, where we waited in line patiently under the hot sun along many fellow tourists (no locals here). The second was shown by a lady at the park. Naturally.


At Governor Tom McCall Waterfront Park in Portland

The Oregon exposé continued from Jen and Lance’s beautiful, modern river-front condo, where we saw people in their kayaks and paddleboards, a totally badass girl skateboarding, a barge being built, and two hipsters, one with a beard, one without.

In Oregon City, we sat at Chris, Heidi and baby Leah’s breakfast table and dug into waffles, eggs, and bacon after saying grace.

And later that night, we camped next to a couple of nice homeless groups east of Grants Pass, one of whom had cake and watermelon for dinner.

At some point, Nate said it: “Hippies and rednecks – that’s Oregon.” If you know him, you know there’s no judgement there.

The condensed two-day Oregon tour also included a gorgeous Mt. Hood that this year looks bare without its usual blanket of snow; caves now paved for the hundreds of tourists that come through every day; and rivers, oh the rivers!


Oregon Cave

We crossed into California on Sunday. B and A played in the river, laughing. Later, B and Nate went fishing.

A break from driving. Life is good. Maybe we’ll be able to sleep tonight.

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  • Jenn Tracy

    I just love that you mentioned your stop with us as a continued “exposé” just after the paragraph about the vaginas. You know me well, friends! Lance and I loved having you and hope you’ll stop in on your way back next summer! We love you!

  • Lorna Brown

    Dear Tangletown4: What is life without adventure and risk taking? God speed on your journey. We will enjoy following along. Who knows, maybe we will join you at some point along the way! Blessings for safe travel and finding wonder and joy in each sacred moment. -the Boston Browns

  • Melanie

    Let us know how we can connect while you’re in California!

  • Diana


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